San Diego Night Photography Workshop

Attend my fun sunset/ night photography workshop in San Diego

Taken with a Go Pro 7 on a tripod. Photo by Elle

Photo Tour Dates in San Diego: Aug. 28 – Oct. 29, 2024

Workshop Fee : $ 200 per person. $ 300 for 2 people, $ 400 for 3 people. This is a 4-hour walking photo tour. Please reserved by sending us email to [email protected]
Meeting Place : TBA
What to bring : Any DSLR with short zoom lens, a 50mm 18 or prime lens, and a tripod.

Theme of the class: Shooting a travel assignment for a travel magazine . We will shoot pics to depict the lifestyle and nightlife in San Diego. Late night dinner ( optional ) after the photo shoot. Includes critiques

Creative focus on this night class – Composition techniques such as rule of thirds, leading lines,and frame within a frame is what I would like to see use in everyone of your images. Also shooting high, low,and eye level camera angles. shooting very wide and long focal lengths. We will start shooting around sunset. For the night shooting we will be shooting handheld techniques using high ISO ( 1600 and up )and fast lenses ( 2.8 min aperture ) and also tripod method using ISO 100 and apertures of F11-16 and long exposures ( 30 secs and longer ).

To book this night photo workshop, please send me email to [email protected]

Nikon D800

La Jolla Cove – Taken with Samsung Galaxy S8 handheld – photo by Elle Gamboa