Master your DSLR Crash Course for Beginners
Dates available: Oct. 11- Nov. 29,2024 . Shooting times : Starts at 4 pm. Other times available by appointment
All classes by reservations only. Reserve for yourself or for a group. Go from zero knowledge in digital photography to beginner basics in a few hours. Master your new Nikon or Canon DSLR complicated functions & learn from a working professional photographer
Shooting Locations : Old Town, Balboa Park, or Sunset Cliffs
Cost – $ 250 per person. $ 350 for 2 people. Reserved your space sending us email first. Email us on this link:

Master your complicated Canon and Nikon DSLR camera in a few hours.
Learn the basics of photography from a working professional photographer.
Get those pictures sharp, in focus, and the correct exposure each time.
Once you learn the camera basics: lighting, exposure, and composition,
you can apply this technique to any digital or film camera even video cams. Master the triangle of exposure: the relationship between film speed (ISO), shutter speed, and aperture. This is a very important camera technique to learn. Learn how get correct color each time by adjusting the AWB ( auto white balance) controls – Sunny,cloudy,incandescent.

Learn how to adjust your histogram in your LCD to get the correct exposure
for each lighting setting ( sunny, overcast, low light, indoor incandescent light)
In this class, you will learn what is the best lenses for shooting each particular photo assignment: nature, sports, travel, portrait, architecture, macro.
How does our day go on this workshop- Each half-day digital photography crash course starts with a 60-90 minute orientation on camera basics.To speed up your learning, be sure to study your new camera and practice on all the camera controls.Go to a website called Dpreview and study your camera from this site. Its way better than your camera manual. Study my triangle of exposure before the workshop get started and you will be on your way. After orientation, we will go out on a couple of shooting assignments and apply the principles I taught you.